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Posted - 01/06/2011 :  12:10:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Well, I just realized I can't definitely trust ANYONE at all. Something happened today and it's only 2pm! Anyway, I'm back to smoking again... I thought I'd quit but I just can't. It seems to me that my cigarette is the only reliable thing around here lol. When I started smoking in mid 2008 cigarettes were cheap, now it's 2011 and they almost cost as twice as they did back in 2008. I wonder why the price has increased so much than ever before.

omg! Everyone is so fking fake! They are nice and all that, but it's in times like this that you REALLY see their true faces. I feel like just giving up on everyone and going back to being all by myself. I don't need a love or any friends that are not really friends at all and just want to use me.

Why is it that when I'm on my own, without talking to anyone, everything seems so alright? I remember before I met this person and I stopped talking to my friends in my classroom, I was immune to everything they did? I was HAPPY, even if I just went sleeping around without any emotional link to anyone. Now that I'm attached to this person, now that I started talking to my new classmates, they all seem to be getting back at me? It seems that the only option is giving up on people for good.

Anyway... If someone is interested in sharing experiences with me or just need someone to talk to here's my msn:

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Posted - 01/06/2011 :  14:09:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hello everyone, been a couple days since I posted lots been going on ect... not to bad at that been sorta rough when I'm out in public I'm happier to also be alone at this point in my life, I've pretty much given up hope on ever feeling like I use to being excited to be out and about to do whatever I have to do, its a little over the second week for me on taking nightly meds so I guess it could turn around in time I just don't feel like its ever going to return to the way it was which is sad, I don't know if I'll find love again but something tells me I won't or even if I did it would end up shipwrecked and people only trying to use me, I have the same feeling dynamo.

I've been able to use techniques in avoiding confrontation when I have to go out in public and I'll explain a few. I almost never come to eye contact with people unless I'm talking to them directly, I don't even care about seeing what people look like anymore I'd rather not even go there. So I find something else to focus on unless I have to speak to someone directly. When I'm in a room full of people, no matter what I might have the urge to say, I push out an emotion of merciful type energy to all around, and when it reflects back at me it is like being washed in light, even the biggest assholes or what seems like it I just completely ignore them and push out mercy, and that mercy will reflect so you can stay focused on a mantra, or repeat something and stay calm in your mind. I also try to feel my words on my frontal lobe in the area of my forehead so I know those are conscious thoughts and my unconscious is not thinking or speaking anything. Your conscious thought should sound like if you were talking in a very calm and natural voice as if you were speaking out loud, if you practice that then you can almost completely ignore what people are talking about, try not to care!

And also look try to look at the bright side if your feeling down, there are people that are captured, tortured, or murdered and even though death might seem like a welcome alternative to life now, it is better to be alive in all respects because if you don't practice staying calm now, trying to get closer to God or your understanding of Him, Her, It (whatever you think of God) you could just experience what you see now with more irritation in the spirit world than here on earth where you have some time to strengthen yourself and when the time comes, be able to leave with peace and the knowledge that despite all the hate and fear, you stuck through it, and all of the fancy stuff and great lives celebrities ect. have now, someday you will have an even better life and more things waiting for you because your a newer soul then them, and you will get your turn to live perfect lives without this crap someday if you just stay strong and stick it through, there are better worlds than earth and greater dimensions than you could even imagine!!!!!!!

ALL my love to you guys, stay strong

Who doesn't have issues and their own problems?
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Posted - 01/06/2011 :  18:52:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hi, Forum
Dynamo, I'm with you on the alone aspect of things. In fact I'm not seeing how I'll ever connect with any femmes, being as anti-social as I've become with all this TB and hearing voices stuff.....considering what a fearful hermit I've become......considering how I only really feel safe at home with my parents.......(and I'm on constant 'guard' then). I guess maybe if I recover enough to stand and converse, rather than running to get out of public as soon as possible, -that'll help.
Then again, thinking about all the problems I have now, not having a chick has to be one of the least!
How is it that we can be persecuted for thinking?!?
I have always been under the impression that I can have any random thought cross my mind.......and grab hold of or believe in any ones I want........discard the others, that I don't like or want. Having the voices say "how could you think that way?!?" or "how dare you!" or "burn in hell!"...... at the very fact that a thought enters my mind is just too much to handle, man. I don't know that I can keep random (good and sometimes bad) thoughts from entering my mind at all.......I mean how can I be held responsible for every little thought, some of which don't even seem to be mine?!? (that is what 'THEY' do, though.) It seems I don't even get to process thoughts and come to a decision and then act......the very thinking is enough to bring on persecution and degradation.
I thought I was 'freeing my mind' with all that acid......seeking peace, seeking the truth........
If this is the 'big truth'....then I don't really want it. At least when I was ignorant, I was still happy....(and good).
going to sleep every night to the sound of different people hocking loogies and spitting on me is not my idea of 'mental liberation'
These days, if I get an hour of peace, it's a blessing. A rare blessing that I have to enjoy.......In addition to thinking positive power words, like Dan suggests, I find it also helpful sometimes to just try to focus on a wordless tone.....(like an OM) but not wordlessly humming a note. helps sometimes.
Be strong bros and sisses, gotta make it through, even if we're crawling.....
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Posted - 01/09/2011 :  13:02:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hey bros,
Hope you're all doing okay...haven't heard from you in a while....
It's another day in paradise for me.
Wanted to let you know i've found a cool forum where people actually post and respond and there is alot of good information from people who obviously have the same sympoms that we have.....
check it out, I spend alot of time there these days.

alot of support, fellowship and coping's always something.
Hope to see you there
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Posted - 02/12/2011 :  02:41:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hi guys. I just want to say that I'm posting on here and I have a couple of things to say about my experience with thought broadcasting. I currently take geodon 40 twice a day and effexor 150 mg once a day. I on this combination of medicine I no longer experience thought broadcasting. I am still well aware of what has happened around me what I felt and how people have reacted around me. To this day I believe my brain has the power to broadcast thoughts and feelings I don't believe its a delusion. I have many reasons why I am stuck on this belief. At first I denied its existence. I thought "its not healthy to think this way" but whether I deny it or not it does happen. Let me start off with how i became "schizophrenic" you guys have to know I DONT HALLUCINATE, I DONT HEAR VOICES. But the broadcasting started when I started using meth.

At first it was just really bad anxiety.

The anxiety never went away even after months of being sober from meth it just got worse. Then one thing I noticed that my anxiety got so bad to the point i noticed it would broadcast!!! I worked for a coffee store and I noticed that other people could feel my anxiety and panic attacks. It was hard back then to find a psyc doctor because i didnt have health insurance and i still dont and i wasnt being medicated.

My anxiety was severe.

Back then I only tried meth about once in three months I didnt know that I was addicted back then I didnt even know what was causing my anxiety. I finally found a pdoc and she gave me effexor. the effexor has been a life saver it stopped all of my broadcasting panic attacks but soon after that i tried meth once more and developed a broadcasting thought disorder i never told my pdoc i had thought disorder i think she gave me the zyprexa because I had thought broadcasting in the office with her she said the meth is making me go bozonkers!

I have always been putting off to posting on here but let me tell you I have experienced thought broadcasting enough for me to never forget that it happens and if i am not medicated people can hear my thoughts they can feel what i feel. the medicine takes it away for some strange reason if I get high people around me can hear my thoughts.
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Posted - 06/25/2011 :  21:15:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hello everyone. I first want to tell you all that I love you and that the only reason I am writing this is because I believe you have a right to the truth, which I myself have been searching for for years. I have been replying on as many of these forums as I can find and have even been updating wikipedia to get this out where I can. People can hear your thoughts. There is no question about it. I am sure you will believe this because I know that you already know deep down that it is the truth. I cannot prove it to you over this blog, but I just wanted to let you know (for those of you desperate for help) that it IS real. I have heard countless pieces of evidence to prove it to myself and still had trouble accepting it (the most blatant of which being someone saying aloud in a public place after a tirade of my thoughts, "Yeah, God gave you this as a conscience." I struggled to accept it for a long time, telling myself it was impossible. There is no way on this Earth that people would be able to hear each others' thoughts. Even now when I really think about it, it seems ridiculous. I cannot give you any explanations or reasons, but I can assure you without any doubt that it is real. I tell you this because I can hear other peoples' thoughts as well. People rarely think anything because everyone can hear them. I have also been told by my close friend and roomate, although not to my face, but in a quiet whispered conversation at a table, "I'm inside your heart. I can hear what you're thinking." This was only after a huge rant which I had been thinking, where I had been thinking something to the effect of "If you will just tell me once that it is real, I will stop all of this."("This" being some very angry and lengthy rants, inside my head of course, in which I was just being very hateful and angry, probably due to my confused desperation. Oh, and after the rant, my roomate came out of his room and in passing by me, stated, "That took balls." when I was doing nothing that would make someone say something like that, and I knew it was because he could hear my mental harangue.) I am not entirely sure what that statement about the heart means, but I have also come to know that it is true. Somehow, even if you are not thinking any words as thoughts, but are having strong emotions, and when your heart feels heavy, people know. They sometimes say things like "It's a little hot in here," whenever you are having a strong emotion such as anger or anxiety. I wish I could tell you why or how this is possible because believe me, I am dying to sit down with someone and actually have a discussion to learn everything that is really going on, but they simply refuse to be straightforward with this information. For the life of me, I can't understand why that is because almost everyone seems to know about it, and what could it hurt two people talking about it who already know it to be true. But as I said, I don't really think I have to prove it to you who are on this site because you really already know. But more than simply to get this information out, I wanted to offer some comfort to those who are having difficulty in coming to terms with this. I know it may seem horrible or even unbearable at times. To have your every waking thought scrutinized and judged by the people around you, and having no form of privacy in your life whatsoever can be very terrifying. What I really wanted to let you know is that I care about you. Whatever terrible things may be going through your mind, and believe me I have my share of them every day and very often think of suicide as a way to end this agony (not simply as an escape, but to relieve those around me of my "sickness"), life is worth living. People may judge you or even seem to hate you for what you think sometimes, but really they could not care less. It is a game to them, I'm sorry to say. They seem to be here to help at times, and at others to pull you down, but really all they care about is you being "cool" with everyone and being social. I have felt like I hated everyone for this, most of all because I could not get the truth out of anyone. So I really wanted to let those of you who seek this knowledge to be at ease, at least in that aspect. I think knowing is worth something even though it is a scary thing. But the best thing you can do is to not let it overwhelm you, however difficult that may seem. Try to be calm, and remember who you really are. Those terrible thoughts that seem to crop up simply because you don't want them to do not control you. You can recognize them and feel bad about them, but do not let them bring you down. As I said, people are very forgiving and this game they play is easy enough if you just be cool. I promise you everyone else will get over any horrible thoughts you have before you will, even if those thoughts may be about them. People are willing to love, so long as you can maintain yourself and not be brought down. Also, after a while you will be able to control yourself to where you can talk to yourself as to mask your thoughts from others. It is not easy to do, but if you think deeply enough,(deeper thoughts, I have found cannot be heard) with a clear head, and possibly whisper to yourself, you will not be heard. So that's it. I hope that this will help those of you who are possibly in the position I was in not too long ago, which is not to say that I'm not still dealing with it because as I said I still have some horrible thoughts. All we can do, though, is know that those thoughts are not who we are and move on and live in peace and love. Again, please don't let it overwhelm you. Life can be a beautiful thing if you are truly living it.
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Posted - 08/25/2011 :  00:22:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
It is not real.

I was convinced it was real as well with medication it stops.

If I was a Dr I would publish my logic as to why I know it is not real but no one will believe me as I have no credentials.

Your logic is based on people saying certain things to you - what if they never said those things to you but you hallucinated them.

People with sz do have hallucinations just talk to us about them.

that is all.

"Mrs Morel always said the after-life would hold nothing in store for her husband: he rose from the lower world into purgatory, when he came home from pit, and passed into heaven in the Palmerston Arms.".
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Posted - 09/16/2011 :  05:14:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hello everyone, I'm new here.... I also have the same problem; I think I have Thought Broadcasting... I feel (notice) that anyone can read my mind... sometimes when in the presence of people, I hear them speaking of something relating of what I'm thinking, or responding to my thoughts; it feels uncomfortable and hard to deal with those situations!

Even some things that I find bizarre; that when watching TV, "some" pubs (for exemple) are presenting their products but I notice that there's some things "in these pubs" that are related to what I did a day ago or more!
The same thing is applied to when visiting some "daily updated blogs" on the internet....


I also notice that much of the time there's a new "subject" that some medias,blogs, peolple,etc.... talking about "that same subject"!

with some "certains" words: smoking, cats, dancing, thelephone that rings, sleeping dog, hair, rose....

and some people in conversation trying me to believe that there's pictures of me taken and are in reseaux socials like FACEBOOK (even that they are taken in some publics places in the "absence" of a CAMERA)

And there's alot more.... I couldn't find answers to all what's happening to me, I'm confusied!

Hope to find some advice here!!

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Posted - 11/06/2011 :  09:12:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Ok I'm new. Let me try to explain my current situation, I would love some feedback.

I've read up on thought broadcasting but I have yet to find ANYONE who is having the same experience that I am. Let me give you some background. I do believe in certain levels of "psychic ability" I've had a few strange experiences in my life in that regard. A few years ago I experimented with a specific fungus (a legal one). A friend and I had one specific experience where we were completely telepathic. We were able to have a conversation where one of us was thinking and the other was talking. We both confirmed this during and the next day. I have no doubt we experienced this. That being said, I had a few other experiences with this same substance. Then suddenly things changed for me.

1. I started hearing a voice, it's a very subtle voice but it's there. In the last year I've actually noticed (mostly at night when the lights are out) I can see (a hallucination if you will) a hologram type of face behind the voice. Sometimes I'm actually seeing a whole person. It's very much like a hologram though, and I can see it with my eyes open or closed. The clarity of it increases if I smoke pot as well. Ok now this all could very well be "in my head". The voice is relatively harmless, usually is just responding to thoughts I have or questions I ask. I can clearly see the head of this hallucinated person shake yes or no when I ask certain questions). All very odd stuff. This voice/person also answers questions that I don't know the answer to, at least not consciously and when I look it up they are correct. So what the hell? I realize this could just be my subconscious manifesting itself but its still very bizarre.

2. This one is harder to accept as NOT being real. One day after we had used this substance (which by the way I do not use any more and have not for 3 years), I would have a thought and my boyfriend would immediately scratch his nose, eye, ear, mouth or head. This also occurred during a "trip" we had. I found it odd because I started noticing this when I would have thoughts. Based on the type of thought I had would determine where the person scratched. The nose was normally a thought based on my ego, the ear was usually something based on perception, eye was based on something i was seeing, mouth was based on something i should have been saying out loud, head was based on something i was pondering or thinking about. I came to this conclusion based on my observations as to what I was thinking and then where on their head the person scratched. I realize this all sounds nuts, but I've put this to the test on SEVERAL occasions. I know I'm NOT hallucinating the people scratching because I've tested this with people I know and asked them if they just "scratched their nose" etc. Now I know enough to know we are all connected and that thoughts could possible create a connection between you and another person. But it's very unsettling. It's like my thoughts are constantly being judged based on where a person is scratching their ****ing head. How bizarre. Of course I've had MANY instances in the last few years, specifically, where people will repeat what I was just thinking. Not a stranger, usually someone who is in the room with me and I'm having a conversation with. This happens so much. Or I'll think that I want to do something or go somewhere and the person suggests it before I have a chance to say it. I realize this, in and of itself, can happen, and does happen to people. Are they hearing my thoughts, or just picking up on it without literally "hearing" it. When the whole nose scratching thing happens, are they "hearing" what i just thought or could my thought literally just be causing someone's nose to itch. If no one is around, my thoughts will often cause my own nose, eye, ear, head or mouth to tingle and I scratch it and then realize I just had a thought that probably caused that. or did i?

I've never had any symptoms of schizophrenia before and these are the only "symptoms" I have. I guess if I didn't have this link between my thoughts and something physical happening to someone (nose scratching etc.) that would be one thing, but I see a physical link, so it's really hard for me to say "this is not happening". I'm an intelligent person, I have a very scientific mind, I observe, and really have thought this out and tested it as much as I can. I hvae yet to go to a doctor because I'm thinking they'll just think I'm nuts, even though they'll probably be scratching their nose, or head during our session as I have some personal thoughts. lol

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Help? :)
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Juniper 5
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Posted - 11/06/2011 :  21:28:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Hi spacediva,
What you are describing is quite interesting. I HAVE heard of people having a psychic experience while tripping. (Saw a video on youtube about it I think the drug in that case was LSD). As for hearing a voice that is quite common but is none the less likely a halucination. As for your connection between people scratching and your thoughts what I suspect is happening is that you are seeing connections where really there are none. I know when I was quite sick I thought that people on the tv were talking about what I was thinking. In reality I was creating connections where in fact there were none. One time when I was quite sick I watched an episode of a show that I hadn't seen before. I thought that they made the episode about me. When I watched the same episode after I got better I couldn't see how I possibly could have thought that as there was no relationship between the episode and my life at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is that when you are ill you make connections where there are none. I know for me one of the early signs I'm not doing well is seeing people out in public and thinking they are people that I know. When I look closer I realize that I am just making a connection that is not there. Anyway, I'm not a doctor but I do recommend that you see one. They can help you with the voice in your head at any rate. Best of luck. Juniper
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Posted - 11/07/2011 :  08:50:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Originally posted by Juniper 5

Hi spacediva,
What you are describing is quite interesting. I HAVE heard of people having a psychic experience while tripping. (Saw a video on youtube about it I think the drug in that case was LSD). As for hearing a voice that is quite common but is none the less likely a halucination. As for your connection between people scratching and your thoughts what I suspect is happening is that you are seeing connections where really there are none. I know when I was quite sick I thought that people on the tv were talking about what I was thinking. In reality I was creating connections where in fact there were none. One time when I was quite sick I watched an episode of a show that I hadn't seen before. I thought that they made the episode about me. When I watched the same episode after I got better I couldn't see how I possibly could have thought that as there was no relationship between the episode and my life at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is that when you are ill you make connections where there are none. I know for me one of the early signs I'm not doing well is seeing people out in public and thinking they are people that I know. When I look closer I realize that I am just making a connection that is not there. Anyway, I'm not a doctor but I do recommend that you see one. They can help you with the voice in your head at any rate. Best of luck. Juniper

I hear what you're saying although as I stated I've literally tested this. I mean if I'm with someone and I will keep my mind clear, the second I have a thought, they get an itch in one of the places described. We have tried this several times and it happens every time. If it's a coincidence then I'm really amazed because it always coincides with a thought and I actually try to keep my thoughts to a minimum. Had I Not tested this with people I know and trust I'd think what you are saying is true, but I have, which makes it that much more frustrating and "real" to me. This has been going on for 3 years, it has not gotten worse, I have no other symptoms.
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Posted - 11/13/2011 :  21:21:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic

My mainstays are Depakote supplemented with occasional
doses of Seroquel when I become sleep deprived. My worst psychological
episodes occured while unmedicated, sleep deprived, and consequently

To my knowledge, no one can read our minds without actual physical
connections to our far.


We're only given a small spark of madness...we MUSTN'T lose it. Robin Williams
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stigmastomper (inactive)
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Posted - 11/14/2011 :  02:14:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
i'am on anti psychotic drugs for such things . i would never have know peace without them

thank you to all members
for your putting up with my dwelling on the same things year after year . i'm making progress, yes im aware its compulsive behaviour yeah like wanting to eat ,not live in a rain gutter lol
soon the case manager etc will be hearing this stuff and you will be saved lmao

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Posted - 11/19/2011 :  10:05:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Originally posted by spacediva

Ok I'm new. Let me try to explain my current situation, I would love some feedback.

I've read up on thought broadcasting but I have yet to find ANYONE who is having the same experience that I am. Let me give you some background. I do believe in certain levels of "psychic ability" I've had a few strange experiences in my life in that regard. A few years ago I experimented with a specific fungus (a legal one). A friend and I had one specific experience where we were completely telepathic. We were able to have a conversation where one of us was thinking and the other was talking. We both confirmed this during and the next day. I have no doubt we experienced this. That being said, I had a few other experiences with this same substance. Then suddenly things changed for me.

1. I started hearing a voice, it's a very subtle voice but it's there. In the last year I've actually noticed (mostly at night when the lights are out) I can see (a hallucination if you will) a hologram type of face behind the voice. Sometimes I'm actually seeing a whole person. It's very much like a hologram though, and I can see it with my eyes open or closed. The clarity of it increases if I smoke pot as well. Ok now this all could very well be "in my head". The voice is relatively harmless, usually is just responding to thoughts I have or questions I ask. I can clearly see the head of this hallucinated person shake yes or no when I ask certain questions). All very odd stuff. This voice/person also answers questions that I don't know the answer to, at least not consciously and when I look it up they are correct. So what the hell? I realize this could just be my subconscious manifesting itself but its still very bizarre.

2. This one is harder to accept as NOT being real. One day after we had used this substance (which by the way I do not use any more and have not for 3 years), I would have a thought and my boyfriend would immediately scratch his nose, eye, ear, mouth or head. This also occurred during a "trip" we had. I found it odd because I started noticing this when I would have thoughts. Based on the type of thought I had would determine where the person scratched. The nose was normally a thought based on my ego, the ear was usually something based on perception, eye was based on something i was seeing, mouth was based on something i should have been saying out loud, head was based on something i was pondering or thinking about. I came to this conclusion based on my observations as to what I was thinking and then where on their head the person scratched. I realize this all sounds nuts, but I've put this to the test on SEVERAL occasions. I know I'm NOT hallucinating the people scratching because I've tested this with people I know and asked them if they just "scratched their nose" etc. Now I know enough to know we are all connected and that thoughts could possible create a connection between you and another person. But it's very unsettling. It's like my thoughts are constantly being judged based on where a person is scratching their ****ing head. How bizarre. Of course I've had MANY instances in the last few years, specifically, where people will repeat what I was just thinking. Not a stranger, usually someone who is in the room with me and I'm having a conversation with. This happens so much. Or I'll think that I want to do something or go somewhere and the person suggests it before I have a chance to say it. I realize this, in and of itself, can happen, and does happen to people. Are they hearing my thoughts, or just picking up on it without literally "hearing" it. When the whole nose scratching thing happens, are they "hearing" what i just thought or could my thought literally just be causing someone's nose to itch. If no one is around, my thoughts will often cause my own nose, eye, ear, head or mouth to tingle and I scratch it and then realize I just had a thought that probably caused that. or did i?

I've never had any symptoms of schizophrenia before and these are the only "symptoms" I have. I guess if I didn't have this link between my thoughts and something physical happening to someone (nose scratching etc.) that would be one thing, but I see a physical link, so it's really hard for me to say "this is not happening". I'm an intelligent person, I have a very scientific mind, I observe, and really have thought this out and tested it as much as I can. I hvae yet to go to a doctor because I'm thinking they'll just think I'm nuts, even though they'll probably be scratching their nose, or head during our session as I have some personal thoughts. lol

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Help? :)

Hi spacediva, I read what you've written... I think you have ideas of reference or "delusions of reference"... You can check this article out for more informations:
I have also some similarities... like I try to find connections between some things... especially some numbers that have some special meanings to me and related to me whenever someone mentioned it....
A severe case called "delusions of reference" like believing being the cause of telephone ringing....
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Posted - 12/12/2011 :  13:23:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Reply to Topic
Wow, yeah, I can definitely relate and you know...I thought this all started after one too many acid trips but now that I look back, it happened to me before I started using acid..It just wasn't as bad. Like, instead of people hearing my thoughts or directing something at me, I'd feel like people were sending other people bad vibes and that everybody in the room was like...refrencing to one person..If that makes any sense..I am almost 4 months pregnant (really excited!) so I can't be on any psych meds. = / Can you imagine! (lol) It's really not funny thought because pregnancy brings out any mental illness. It's nice to know that I am not alone, although I wish the best for all of you.
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